Monday, August 4, 2008

The first post

Well here is the skinny, Mimi and I have moved to Argentina. We have no return flight to the States and as of now, we are living out of our suitcases and sharing a room with four people that is smaller than Becky's in D.C. (For those of you who do not know the size of Becky's room, take our word for it, it is SMALL!)

It is Jenna who is writing this little tid-bit, so I will give you my update (and stop writing in the third person)... Mimi's is to follow just as soon as I tell her I have created a blog for us...

Since it is me who is writing, I just want to worn you, although you all prob know, so I just want to remind you again, that I am a TERRIBLE speller. I will do my hardest to catch all the mistakes via spell check, but over the course of the year, I will prob not catch every single one. So word to the wise: just sound them out!

Today is my first day of school. (YIKES) I know that some of you are thinking, it is nearly 5PM in Argentina, I must of had school already. Not true. Since I just officially registered for my classes this morning, I was left with the bottom of the barrel classes. The time options were either 8-11 AM or 7-10 and sometimes 11 (my marketing class). Knowing that I am not the morning type, I opted for the latter.

Just a small note: I feel that I must write words like yikes and use the parenthesis all the time while I blog. I'm not sure why...

Here in Argentina, we only have class once a week... for three hours at a time. I know that by the end of those three hours my brain will be something along the lines mush. I'm looking forward to that I must say.

Finally reaching this point of being able to go to school is, in and of itself, mind blowing. When I went to orientation on Friday, I honestly thought that I would never be able to get here. Let me tell you what happened...

So sometime in early June, I received a "welcome packet" via the Internet about what I should expect from Palermo (my universidad) and how to get a visa etc. When I walked into Mario Bravo 1259 (the building) I was one of 20 foreign exchange students all looking like we were about to throw-up. Our intercambio adviser, Natalia, walked in and began the orientation. The orientation consisted of Natalia standing up there and rereading what she already sent us in the mail! Thanks for the help, Natalia.

So finally I found my way to the facultad de economias (college of economics and business) with some other people on my program, if you can call it a program. There in the hallway was a list of about 100 classes (size 10 font). We all had to huddle together and try to pick out the classes we needed. I knew I should have packed a magnifying glass!

Well anyway, I found three of the classes (Marketing, production and services, and human reassure management) but I still needed to find Literature in Latin America and foreign policy of Argentina. I had to wait in a long line to talk to this woman, who informed me that I could not sign up for those classes here and I had to walk back to the building I had orientation in! Pain in my ass to say the least because Mario Bravo 1259 is a good twenty min. away walking.

With it all said and done, I'm glad to be actually going to class! I just hope the professor doesn't ask me any questions, because I will make a FOOL of myself.


Unknown said...

If you're going to write a blog, I highly support that, but you are not allowed to abbreviate words. hehe miss you ladies.

Bre and Miranda in Holland said...

Im soooo proud of you two!!! I wish you guys the best of luck!! There will be some lows im sure but remember that ur highs will far surpass them. Please be careful, but not too careful. Do it all without fear. Then write about it!! Have fun and take it all to heart.

much (or i guess mucho? lol) <3