Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keep your eyes on the prize

Last week I was walking to class, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. I was feeling great because I had gotten up early and gone to the gym and was just walking along (if I whistled this would have been a good time to do so) and I was looking around me, and all of a sudden I slipped on something, much like cartoon characters when they step on a banana peel… but this was no banana peel. Lucky for me, I walked right into a fresh pile of dog poop, lovely. It was so fresh and so big that I nearly fell right on my back. (Fortunately, I didn’t)

At this point you just kind of have to laugh. What else can you do? I think the gods of Buenos Aires have a terrible sense of humor. When things are looking up, and you are feeling great, you step right into a pile dog shit.

But I digress… There I was with a little something extra to bring to class, but I had to do just that, go to class. I was going to be that kid that smells like shit, great. (I have a new found empathy that kid)

I managed to find a nice big dirty puddle to wash off my shoe. I thought I had gotten all of it off, but when I got out of class I discovered that I must have crossed my legs in class because I had gotten some charming Argentinean dog poop on my jeans.

Yup what a great way to start your day. 


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